Third Party Manufacturer

About US
At Harrods Private Health Limited, we unify beauty with science to provide innovative cosmetic and dermatological products that cater to the specific needs of each individual. We understand that every individual’s skin is unique; therefore, we offer our clients personalized solutions for all skin types.
Innovative Manufacturing
In the realm of cosmetics, Harrods Private Health Limited emerges as a distinguished third-party cosmetic manufacturer. Understanding the dynamics of the beauty market and the ever-evolving consumer preferences, We offers comprehensive manufacturing solutions for cosmetic products.
Cosmetic Leadership
This store is a demonstration of a luxury brand using the Stiletto Shopify theme. Products and imagery for this demo graciously provided by St. AgniOur dresses pair timeless designs with sustainable.
Aesthetic Excellence
From skincare to personal care, our manufacturing processes seamlessly integrate innovation and aesthetics, creating standout cosmetic products in a competitive market. By partnering with us, cosmetic companies benefit from our expertise, turning ideas into tangible products that captivate consumers and elevate brand presence.

Enhancing Beauty with Customized Solutions

Customized development and manufacturing, with expert regulatory guidance and diverse ingredient access.


Advanced, science-based skincare.



Safe, user-friendly, innovative.


Product Designing

Design balances creativity and functionality.


Product Labelling

Labeling blends clarity and appeal.